Household Tasks

Support Services

Maintaining a tidy, organized home is important, but can be challenging for many people with disabilities. At Davidson Disability Care and Accommodation Services, our Household Tasks services provide practical, individualized assistance to help you keep up with housework and stay on top of chores.

With our Household Tasks support, our caring staff can come to your private residence on a regular scheduled basis to help you with essential housekeeping based on your needs.

Household tasks we assist with include:

  • Thorough cleaning of kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, living spaces
  • Vacuuming, mopping hard floors
  • Dusting furniture and surfaces
  • Changing bed linens, making beds
  • Laundry washing and ironing
  • Unpacking groceries and organizing food items
  • Taking out garbage and recycling


Our support workers lend an extra hand with general housekeeping duties, enabling you to focus your time and energy on other priorities and goals. We create customised plans to maintain your home in a way that suits your lifestyle.

Household Tasks are covered under NDIS funding. The amount of support hours and services you receive will depend on your assessed requirements. Contact Davidson Disability Care and Accommodation Services to learn more about our personalised Household Tasks assistance.